Dipukų Rauda
for a cappella chorus
Instrumentation: SSAATTBBB chorus
Duration: ca. 4 minutes
Year Composed: 2009
Standalone concert excerpt from the opera Julius
Premiered June 18, 2009 at St. Catherine’s Church (Vilnius) by Jauna Muzika
Score and parts measure 8.5" x 11".
Price is per copy needed for performance (equal to the total number of singers who will perform the work).
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Digital perusal score available upon request.
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for a cappella chorus
Instrumentation: SSAATTBBB chorus
Duration: ca. 4 minutes
Year Composed: 2009
Standalone concert excerpt from the opera Julius
Premiered June 18, 2009 at St. Catherine’s Church (Vilnius) by Jauna Muzika
Score and parts measure 8.5" x 11".
Price is per copy needed for performance (equal to the total number of singers who will perform the work).
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Digital perusal score available upon request.
For bulk orders of printed/bound scores, please use the Contact form.
for a cappella chorus
Instrumentation: SSAATTBBB chorus
Duration: ca. 4 minutes
Year Composed: 2009
Standalone concert excerpt from the opera Julius
Premiered June 18, 2009 at St. Catherine’s Church (Vilnius) by Jauna Muzika
Score and parts measure 8.5" x 11".
Price is per copy needed for performance (equal to the total number of singers who will perform the work).
Read Digital Score Disclaimer
Digital perusal score available upon request.
For bulk orders of printed/bound scores, please use the Contact form.
Program Notes
Dipukų Rauda (DPs' Lament) is a standalone work excerpted from the first scene of Act I of the two-act opera Julius, written in 2009 and premiered in March 2010. In the opera production, set during World War II, the chorus is made up of DPs (Displaced Persons) of different Eastern European origin, crammed together into a train car. Despite the diverse makeup of the group, they all flee the same danger, are uncertain about their future, and share the same feelings of fear and anxiety. The first line of the Lithuanian text, its hard consonants emphasized to give the illusion of a speeding train, is repeated and staggered among various sections of the chorus throughout the work.
Baimė kausto mintis - Fear grips the mind
Ryžtas trypia širdis. - Determination tramples the heart.
Sunkias beržo sula - The birch sap is strained
Ne namų o speigų - No home but hard frost
Tolimųjų kraštų - The distant land
Mūsų siaubo akių - Our eyes of horror
Pamestų tarp miškų - Lost among forests
Sutryptų be jausmų. - Trampled without feeling.
Ką vaikai pamatys - What will the children see
Jei nebėgsi tolyn, - If you don't flee further,
Kur paslėpsi akis - Where will you hide your eyes
Nuo likimo nagų? - From fate's clutches?
Gal kitur bus geriau - Maybe elsewhere will be better
Gal kiti bus geri. - Maybe others will be kind.
Baimė kausto mintis - Fear grips the mind
Ryžtas trypia širdis. - Determination tramples the heart.
(Text by Marija Simona Šimulynaitė)
— Charles Halka
Live performance by the Jauna Muzika chamber choir;
Vaclovas Augustinas, conductor
On this double CD (Centaur Records), Chorosynthesis sings a collection of socially conscious choral music, including Dipukų Rauda.
“guttural, fricative, explosive tones, perfectly joined together”
“emotional intensity” and “unrelenting rhythms”
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PDF downloads are non-refundable. The purchase of this item entitles the buyer to download, save, and print as many copies as needed for use in order to rehearse and perform the work. The purchase of this PDF file does not include the conveyance of copyright. The buyer does not have the right to distribute this material to any third party, by any means. The copyright holder maintains all rights over their intellectual property. By submitting the order, the buyer demonstrates their acknowledgment of, and agreement to, these conditions.